Objectivity Under Trial



Objectivity, fairness and sensitivity to cohesion and mutual interaction are key tenets that need to embraced particularly when reporting in highly charged situations. Objectivity Under Trial is an analytical interpretation of the news stories that were published by The Daily Nation and Kenya Times during the ethnic clashes that were witnessed in Kenya in 1993 and 1998, respectively. This coverage witnessed unconscious polarization of the readers in terms of those who were affected and those who were perceived to fan violence. The author demonstrates that it is imperative to inculcate the principles of objectivity and fairness especially in a conflict situation such as the one witnessed in the specified period and even in 2007/08 when Kenya faced a similar situation. This book is resourceful to journalism students, media practitioners and general news readers.


Moses Wanyama Masinde holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kenyatta University, Diploma in Communication from University of Nairobi and Masters degree in Communication from University of Leeds in the UK. He has previously worked as an Information Officer for National Council of Churches of Kenya, a Project Manager for World Vision Kenya and a Programme Co-ordinator at Transparency International. He is currently finalizing his PhD studies in Communication at Moi University where he is also a part-time lecturer.


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