The Liberation Theology of Allen A. Boasek: A Critique



This book examines the biblical foundation for liberation in the theology of Allen A. Boesak, a prominent South African liberation theologian. The author looks at Christ’s teaching concerning liberation and observes that Jesus’ attitude was often contrary to the expectations of the Jews and even his own disciples. As such, we can only see and say that which is in the pages of the Holy Word of God. In addition, the author demonstrates that the liberation message of the New Testament is void of politics. The encounters observed are between the authorities and the demands of the gospel as displayed in Christians.

By focusing on of selected aspects of Allan A. Boesak’s liberation theology, the author demonstrates that, although Boesak makes some very fundamentally biblical statements, in his practice, at least in his writings, he does not adhere to the full biblical truth. From the analysis, it is evident that Boesak seems to be trapped by the pressure among his people and by a theology which so obviously departs from the biblical position. He has drifted, therefore, to becoming more of a politician than a preacher of the gospel. The book points out that Boesak and liberation theologians ignore the core subject matter of liberation – sin. The author thus advocates for Biblical salvation which delivers man from his dilemma of sin.

Matthews Kalola Mwalw’a is the current Senior Pastor of AIC Milimani, Nairobi, Kenya, a position he has held since 2004. He is also a youth camp and youth conference speaker. Mwalw’a has served the Africa Inland Church since 1973 in various capacities such as youth pastor, assistant pastor, and senior pastor. For 15 years, he served as the Senior Chaplain of Daystar University, Kenya. Apart from being a board chair for Youth For Christ for 10 years, Mwalw’a is a dedicated servant of the Lord and serves in the Ministry of Healing and Biblical Counselling and The Vanguard Intercessory Ministry. He is married to Janet K. Mwalw’a with whom they have been blessed with two daughters and a son.


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