The Story of Khole and Other Short Stories



The Story of Khole and Other Short Stories, in this book, are intended for everyone. The stories provide moral values that encompass us all. The stories also cite the highest heinous vices like greed, brutality and dishonesty that are rampant in the society. The characters unfolded in the stories are a replica to those in our present-day society. As you read the book, you come up with your own open views of every story. For instance, in the past, boys had to look after livestock but nowadays most of them go to school for formal education. In fact, the book is contemporary, too. It provides lessons on how we can easily curb some natural occurrences of disasters like drought and floods.

Masafu Timona is a retired teacher with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Rajasthan, India. He is a Friends School Kamusinga and Kaimosi Teachers Training College alumnus. Timona has vast experience of teaching English and Literature in Kenya’s secondary schools. He has taught in many schools, among them, St. Christopher Secondary School, Aruba, Transzoia County and Kamusinde Secondary School, Bungoma (where he was a Founder Principal of the school).


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