Achievement of Linguistic Skills: Strategy Effectiveness on Integrated English Learning Approach




This book assesses the use of integrated English approach on learning achievement of linguistic skills in public secondary schools in Kenya. The author shows how, in practice, where curriculum is integrated, it permits learners to gain an amalgamated view of the curriculum, broadening the context of their learning beyond single key learning areas. The concern of teaching English is to enable the learners to write and speak well in ways appropriate to a variety of contexts. The book recommends that teachers of English embrace the use of journal writing to demonstrate use of English grammar thus enabling students’ acquisition of linguistic skills. It is a significant book to teachers of English in re-evaluation of teaching strategies and may also assist curriculum planners and developers at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development on need to organize in-service course for teachers of English in line with the revised curriculum. The book is important to both students and teachers of English in understanding the concepts of language proficiency with respect to the integrative strategy’s philosophies and application of various pedagogies during language instruction.

Matere Audrey holds B.Ed (Hons) degree from Maseno University, Master of Education Communication Technology and Media from Kenyatta University, and Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Instruction (Communication Technology and Media)  from Kisii University. She is currently a lecturer in the Department of Curriculum Instruction and Media at Kisii University. She has taught in the department from 2013-2017 as an Assistant Lecturer. She has also served as a Teaching Practice coordinator 2014-2018 and currently she is the Coordinator, School of Education and Human Resource Development at Kisii University – Eldoret Campus. Audrey has authored and co-authored many journal articles and papers in education and gender. Her research interests are Curriculum, Instruction, Educational Media and gender.


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