Fear is one strong instrument that the devil has used against Christian ministry. It is one attribute mentioned in the Bible that every believer must overcome. In Islam, it is fear of Jinn, and the fear of death, that are used to keep people away from falling back from faith. This book addresses this concept of fear, as one main influence against APOSTASY from Islam. The punishment instituted against one who falls back from Islam, artadd ‘an dinihi, are so severe, that in the process cause enormous fear among adherents of Islamic faith. In this book, we see how Apostasy from Islamic faith is greatly feared by the adherents. The book addresses why fear is playing a big role in holding people to Islam, and why Muslim leaders take advantage of fear of both those within, and those without, in order to reduce the chance that some of their members would fall back, and join other religions. Even those who choose to take non-Muslim spouses are threated with death, which is allowed by Qur’an and Haddith. What is holding people in Kenya from full implementation of certain practices, such as execution of the apostates, is the fear of the law. Kenyan constitution protects its citizens from such atrocities, such as religious execution. The book intends to present a strong missiological instrument of information, especially to those mission agents who target Muslim zones.
Significant is the welcome of the research by both faith representations in this Kenya village. Leaders from both communities opened up the opportunity for Dr. Kigen’s work. The value offered provides hope to all of us for peaceful and respectful dialogue. The Muslim community’s perception, having previously felt marginalized by the Christian majority, recognized the power of their voice being heard with hope that their children would benefit with a more positive future as equal citizens from a migrant background! [Prof. J. Ray Tallman; Dallas, Oregon].
The Rev. Dr. Japheth Kigen (PhD, Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies, Olivet University, USA; D. Min, Teamwork University, Virginia, USA) is a full-time lecturer at Kabarak University in Christian Religious Education, School of Education. He is an ordained minister, a Bishop and Chairman of Crossway Ministries International. He spent 20 years serving the persecuted Church in the horn of Africa with Open Doors with Brother Andrew which prompted the writing of his first book entitled Theology of Suffering: Global Reflecting in Light of Biblical Christianity (2015). In addition to lecturing, Dr. Japheth Kigen is a trained journalist-writing persecution stories, involved in Disciple-making movement as well as training local indigenous leaders for ministry to the Muslims.
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