Little Seeds of Resilience: An Autobiography




Ruth Otunga has many years of experience as a teacher, lecturer and researcher in education, gender and entrepreneurship. She has worked in various universities as a lecturer, examiner and administrator and is currently the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics & Students’ Affairs) at University of Eldoret. In Little Seeds of Resilience, she tells her personal recollections from childhood and an inspiring story of her academic growth and scholarly networks in Africa and beyond. She provides insights into the role of women in academic leadership, the place of education in individual and national development; and how all these can be harnessed towards national re-construction and re-birth.

An enthralling, edifying and enlightening life narrative; a must read for all [Ken Walibora, A Creative Writer]

It does not matter where one is born and raised, but what becomes of the person in later life and contributions thereof [Leah Marangu, Professor of Home Economics]

The author neatly captures the import of rescheduling pain, focusing on the essence and seeing light at the end of the tunnel guided by faith and hope, a must read for all [Tabitha Sewe, Associate Professor of Linguistics]

Ruth speaks to each one who is held captive by circumstances to rise up and see that none of them can limit a focused, determined and hardworking person [Dankit Nasiuma, Professor of Mathematics]





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