This book highlights issues centering on women with respect to their role in the contemporary society. It gives a biblical historical background that gives some important insights on the discussion regarding the role of women in society. Women participation in the public arena is one of the hotly debated topics today. It is my belief that this book will be instrumental as it traces the role of women both in secular and biblical context from ancient civilization in Mesopotamia down to the Greco-Roman society. This book is recommended for educators, researchers, and consultants in the area of theology, theologians of all cadres, religious anthropologists, students of religious studies, church ministers, scholars in the area of gender and sociological studies; and general Christian population. It is also recommended for those who advocate for women in all fronts of life. While this book is not written from the feminist perceptive, it will help feminists in broadening their objective understanding of women’s roles in the 21st Century world.
Dr. Ekwenye John holds BA [Theology] from the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton. He also holds a Master of Arts degree in Religion and PhD [Religion] from the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies in the Philippines. Dr. Ekwenye is currently a lecturer at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) in the Department of Social Science Education, Religion division. His research interests focus on religion and social change.
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