Total Environmental Assessment: Integrated Methods, Theory and Practice



This book is unique in many ways. Its contents are suitable to a large extent for students, scholars, researchers, and experts/consultants in the following areas of study and specialization: environmental sciences and or management, environmental engineering, mining and minerals engineering, water resources management, and or engineering, civil engineering, architecture, building sciences, natural resources management, sustainable development and research methods. A total environmental assessment approach is used in consideration of all the seven environmental components (biological, geophysical, economic, social, cultural, political and man-made environments) that are impacted by sand harvesting in seasonally-dry Kenya rivers. The contents of this book are therefore multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in nature, making it relevant and valuable to a wide array of readers in more than the above indicated fields of specialization, locally, nationally, internationally and globally.

Kitetu’s book is an excellent resource to students, educators, researchers, and consultants in environmental sciences and management [Prof. Isaac K. Inoti; Dpt of Biomechanical & Environmental Engineering, JKUAT, Kenya]

Prof. Jackson John Kitetu, PhD, is a Professor of Environmental Science, Kabarak University, Kenya, and a Director in MUDIS Research International Ltd., dealing with multidisciplinary research and consultancy. He holds a PhD degree from Lancaster University (UK), a PhD Certificate (Environmental Assessment Technology) from Roskild University (Denmark), M.Sc. degree from University of East Anglia (UK) and a B.Ed. (Sc.) degree from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. He was Dean, School of Science, Engineering and Technology at Kabarak University. He is a member of Environment Institute of Kenya, East African Association of Impact Assessment and African Association of Impact Assessment. He is a registered and licensed Environmental Assessment Lead Expert by NEMA. He was a Senior Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He worked as a lecturer in Egerton University and in Moi High School Kabarak as the School’s Deputy Principal. He worked in other universities including Egerton University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, University of Nairobi, St Pauls University and Catholic University of East Africa. He has widely published books and papers/articles in journals and presented papers in conferences. He has served in leadership positions in African Inland Church and Africa Gospel Church.


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