Youth, Morality and Education in Africa: Confronting Emerging Challenges



Youth, Morality and Education in Africa: Confronting Emerging Challenges is a book that seeks to provide a holistic approach to understanding the unique challenges impacting the moral formation of youths in Africa. It draws from philosophical, theological, traditional and practical perspectives on ethics in Africa. The book touches on critical issues that impact youth morality, from ICT, the media to Covid 19 Pandemic. As a panacea, the book points to a synergy of family, religious and educational institutions, the media and government in youth moral formation in Africa. In this book, Sr. Dr. Justina avoids mere abstraction or prescriptions about youth and morality. She instead seeks to provide practical ways to integrate the different approaches to ethical formation of young people in Africa.

Sr. Dr. Justina Syonthi Ndaita belongs to the congregation of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi, Kenya. She holds a PhD in Educational Administration and Planning from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya; M.Ed in Educational Administration and Planning from The University of Nairobi and B.Ed (Hons) in English Literature from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. Sr. Dr. Justina is currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Kisii University, Kenya. She also lectures in the School of Arts and Social Sciences at the same university. She has previously worked as a teacher, High School Principal and a University College Principal at Regina Pacis University College, a Constituent College of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya; among very many other positions of leadership. She has been involved in community service, pastoral work, academic and research work. She has published many journal articles, proceedings and book chapters. She has contributed extensively in research publications and successfully supervised masters and PhD students.


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