An Introduction to Statistical Methods for Information Analysis [Second Edition]



Good decision making and planning is often only possible when reliable information is available for effective analysis. This book introduces the principles, language and applications of statistical methods in the analysis of information. This gives an understanding of the basic applications of statistical usage and lays a solid foundation for solving statistical problems. The concepts discussed constitute the key foundational aspects necessary for the understanding and appreciation of the application of statistical techniques. It is hoped that this book will provide a good motivation for practitioners and students of statistics to confidently venture into scientific research by applying statistics in their specific areas of interest.

Dankit Nassiuma is a Professor of Statistics with extensive experience in teaching, research and statisticsl consulting. His current research interests are in Business, Education, Psychology as well as social economic dynamics. He previously served as the Vice Chancellor of Kabarak University and is currently the Vice Chancellor of Africa International University. He teaches Research methods and Statistical methods to Postgraduate students, researchers and policy makers.


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