Determining Relevance of Undergraduate University Music Curricula to the Requirements of Selected Music Job Markets in Nairobi County, Kenya is a product of a rigorous and extensive research to meet the demand of employability in a dynamic technological world. The writing of this book is prompted by the local and global debates on the mismatch between higher education curriculum and the job market. The book strives to unveil this reality in music education with the aim of bridging the skill-set gap. In a very captivating language, it unearths essential job market skills in music production, music ensemble performance and music teaching. Through intensive discussions and conclusions, the proposition of a Curriculum Context Relevance Model (CuCoReM) is generated to guide the development and implementation of music teaching at the university. Precisely, this book provides a clear and elaborate description of academic and ‘soft’ skills (management skills and ethical values) critical for a Music-Job Market-Relevant graduate. Learners, teachers, educators, policy makers, curriculum specialists and designers, practitioners in creative arts, and all stakeholders in education will find this book invaluable.
Joyce M. Mochere is a Lecturer at Kabarak University, School of Music and Media (SMM) since September 2016. She holds a PhD in Music Education from Kabarak University (Main Campus), Nakuru. She attained a Master’s degree in Music Education and a Bachelor of Education in Arts (Music and English/Literature) from Kenyatta University. She teaches Music theory, Music composition, History and Analysis of African and Western music, Church music, Aurals, and Music Practicals (Piano and Voice) at the department of Music and Performing Arts. She is an internal auditor, Research to Commercialization Trainer of Trainers, a member of the Innovation and Business Incubation Committee, an innovation champion, a mentor of students, an academic advisor, a member of university library advisory committee, a student audition, an admission and credit transfers committee member, a research seminar coordinator, and provides leadership to other departmental members in SMM. She has a vast experience in teaching Music and English Literature at high school level where she has served as a leader in different capacities including the leadership of Christian Union. She is a Praise and Worship Leader in church, a composer, choir trainer, and music adjudicator. She has published a number of articles in refereed journals and a book on “Music Instructional Methods and their Impact on Curriculum Implementation: A Case of Selected Schools in Nairobi County (Kenya)”. Her research interests include: Curriculum development, Music pedagogy, Church music and African music.
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