Proceedings of The 6th Annual International Conference: Cross Cutting [Vol One]



  • Confronting the Bottlenecks in the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya: A Case Study of Muthurwa Hawkers’ Market (Calvin Otieno & John N. Mungai)
  • Growth of Small Manufacturing Enterprises in Kenya, Infrastructure and Technology Development for Sustainable Industrial Development (Ng’ang’a S.I, Onyango G.M. & Kerre B.W.)
  • Revitalizing Youth Entrepreneurship in Kenya: A Deliberate Training Curriculum (Andrew Rori, James Bunei &Ezekiel Mwenzwa)
  • The Rise and Fall of The Lake Victoria Fisheries (Paul A. Opondo)
  • A Comparative Study of the Factors Influencing Street-Based Enterprise Graduation in Eldoret and Nakuru Municipalities, Kenya (Nassiuma B. K., Kibas P. B. & Khayota M. O.)
  • Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Development: A Case of Keiyo Community in Kerio Region, Kenya (Damiannah Kieti, Susan Matiku & Stephen Momanyi)
  • A Gender Perspective to Enhancing Wealth Creation for Poverty Alleviation among Small Scale Fishers in The Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) (Peter B. Kibas, James Jumba, Dorothy B. Kabugo & Rhoda Tumwebaze)
  • The Practical Nature of Coastal Tourism Governance in Mombasa, Kenya: A Contest between the Rich and the Poor (Odunga Pius, Damiannah Kieti & Magio Kennedy)
  • Management of Street-Based Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Eldoret and Nakuru Municipalities Kenya (Nassiuma B.K., Khayota M.O., Kibas P.B. & Ng’ang’a S.I.)
  • The Impediments of Small and Medium Enterprises Growth: A Kenyan Context (Maket Lydia, Kibas Peter & Razia Mbaraka)
  • The Role of ICT in Gender Entrepreneurship: A Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Eldoret Municipality (Rono A. J., Omboto P. I. & Achar, G.)
  • The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development (Ombogo Boniface Ondoro)
  • Youth Talent Development for Economic Growth in Kenya (Gladys Situma)
  • Factors Affecting Gender Placement in Wajir East Primary Education Sector (Mohamed Abdullahi Adan)
  • A Crisis in Students’ Politics in a Public University: An Epistemological Therapy (Kahiga J. K. & Kiplang’at Isaiah Kirui)
  • Interdisciplinarity and Community Service: Each One of Us has a Part to Play (Kamau S. W.)
  • Did I Just Cheat? A Survey of Views of Academic Dishonesty among Communication Department Undergraduates at Daystar University (Wambui Wamunyu)
  • Integrative Strategy for Peace and Co-Existence among the Youth: The ACIP Initiative (Emily Choge, Mary Wahome, Naomi Shitemi, Pamela Abuya & Eunice Kamaara)
  • Integrating Technology into Learning and its Impact on Childhood Development for Sustainable Development (Kugula Umi Ntoya & Ramadhan C. Mwachangoma)
  • Application of Indigenous Knowledge for Planning of Sustainable Rural Development (G. Kimani, Z. Mutea & S. Irea)
  • Ethics in the Use of ICT among Student-Teachers in Teacher-Training Institutions in Kenya: A Study of Selected Teacher Training Colleges (Mary Wanjiru Ng’ang’a & Daniel Muttai)
  • The Relevance of Philosophy in Kenya Today (Michael Ntabo Mabururu & Kiplang’at Isaiah Kirui)
  • Road Safety in Kenya: A Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Drivers of Passenger Service Vehicles (Gladys Moraa, Peter I. Omboto, Nganga I. & Ndambiri H.)
  • Pedagogy of Suffering: The Chaotic Body in Wahome Mutahi’s A House Of Doom (Japheth Peter Muindu & Gladys Kinara)
  • The Gendered Practice of the Kenyan Play-by-Play Radio Football Commentary (Solomon Waliaula)
  • Ethics in Research involving Human Participants in Social Sciences: Current Trends and Developments (Julius O. Jwan, Charles O. Ong’ondo & John Oluoch)
  • Importance of Ethical Norms in Research (Lenah Sambu & John Simiyu)
  • An Assessment of the Adequacy of HIV/AIDS Life Skills Primary Education in Nairobi and Thika Districts, Kenya (Githinji Felicity Wanjiru)
  • Ethical Issues in Medical Knowledge and Research (Mary Wahome & David Nderitu)
  • The Gaps between Primary School Pupils’ Awareness of the Key Environmental Issues in their Local Areas and Conservation of the Environment (Sammy M. Mutisya)
  • Preparedness in Disaster and Risk Management (James Omanga, Peter Omboto, Joash Ogola, Mulongo L. S. & Shreeve Claudine)
  • Climate Change and Water Resource Governance Challenges in Rural Kenya (Ezekiel Mbitha Mwenzwa)
  • Media Coverage on Climate Change: The Kenyan Scenario (Frederick Njoroge Kairu & Patricia Chepkwony)
  • Mainstreaming Environmental Education in Early Childhood Development Education: The Kenyan Perspective (Truphena E. Mukuna, Tabitha Sewe & Isabella Masinde)
  • Practices and Potential of Urban Agriculture in Eldoret Municipality (Gilbert M. Nduru)
  • Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Determination and Multivariate Analysis of Radionuclide Fluxes in Shore Sediment at Port Victoria, Kenya (S. T. Masinde, N. O. Hashim & H. K. Angeyo)
  • Knowledge is Virtue no More: The Case of Contemporary Kenyan Elite (David Nderitu)
  • Mitigation of Climate Change for Sustainable Development (Amon Mwangi Karanja)
  • Climate Change: Impacts on Biodiversity, Opportunities and Constraints in the Eastern Africa (Michael K. Koech)
  • Rethinking Sustainable Development through Vernacular Radio Stations: The Linguistic Implications of Mulembe FM Radio Station Call-In Shows (Boaz Maloba & Tabitha Sewe)
  • Sand Mining and Climate Change: A Case Study of Malindi District, Kenya (Amollo Nabwire O’king)
  • ICT and Higher Education Learning in Kenya: Are Some Learners Marginalized? (Kochomay Samuel & Gitau Florence)
  • Internationalization of Higher Education in Kenya: Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects (Chang’ach John Koskey)
  • Best Management Practices to Reposition the Education Sector in Global Economy (James Kigen)
  • Towards Effective and Efficient Administration of University Examinations: A Case Study of Moi University (John M. Boit & Joan Koech)
  • Are we Serving? A Concept Paper on Performance Contracting ISO 9001 Certification in Kenya (George I.O. Wamactildah & Opakas P.E.)
  • Mushrooming of University Constituent Colleges and their Effect on the Quality of Higher Education in Kenya (Mukabi Irene, M. Sirima, Lorna C. N. & Malanda, Noel)
  • Sociological Foundations of Education and the Changing Roles of Schools and Universities: A Kenyan Case (Njoroge Anne Wambui)
  • Internationalization of Higher Education in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities (Clara Rupia & J. K. Too)
  • Employee Job Satisfaction Survey: A Case of Moi University (P. E. Opakas, John M. Boit & Joan Koech)
  • Designing and Developing an ICT Management System for Teaching and Learning in Kenya: The ODL Model (James Boit, John Boit & David Kessio)
  • Internationalization of Higher Education (Kwambai Bernadette Jepkoech)
  • Interdisciplinarity in Knowledge Management for Development: A Comparative Analysis of Education in Pre-Colonial and Post Colonial Societies in Kenyan (Anne Njoroge)
  • Essence of Internationalization in Higher Education (John W. Simiyu & Lenah Sambu)
  • “Catch 22” in the Use of ICT in Higher Education (Makeni F. Bernard & Okiega N. I. Obi)
  • Internationalization of Higher Education: Rationale, Collaborations and its Implications (Mbaraka Razia, Maket Lydia & Lagat Dorcas)
  • Employment Patterns and How they Affect Internalization of Universities in Kenya (Batoya Isaac Barasa & Alfred M. Wamala)
  • The Role of University Education in Fostering Tradition of Critical Thinking for National Development (Fredrick O. Ogola)
  • Interdisciplinarity and Internationalization of Higher Education for Sustainable Integral Development (Naomi L. Shitemi)
  • Promoting Sustainable Development through Science Education (Sammy M. Mutisya)
  • Rethinking and Refocusing the Interdisciplinary Nature and Process of Curriculum for Sustainable Development in Kenya (Tabot B.A., Muindu P.J. & Nyandusi C.)
  • Factors Influencing the Integration of Computer Skills in the Secondary School Curriculum in Kenya: The Case of the Larger Uasin Gishu District (Simon Wanami, Chris Mukwa & Patrick Kafu)
  • Teaching of Languages Online: A Case Study of Moi University (Seminega Corneille Emmanuel)
  • An Empirical Investigation on Private Returns to Education in Kenya (Warugongo John Ngugi)
  • Mba Or Med? A Human Resource Dimension of Kenya’s 21st Century Head Teacher Training (Chelimo K.K., Ng’etich K., Kombich V.J., Kwonyike J. K. & Chepkuto P.K.)
  • A Comparison of Fitness Levels Amongst University Students Based on Past Exercise History (Karani Magutah &Frederick Bukachi)
  • A Case Report of the 7th Repeat Caesarean Section, a Kenyan National Record (J. A. Mumia)
  • Dichlorodiphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT) and its Observed Effects on Body Functions in Vertebrates (M. M. Arimi)
  • Miracle or Irony? Francis Imbuga’s Miracle of Rimera (Japheth Peter Muindu, Hellen Sang & Benedicta Aiyobei Tabot)
  • African Response to Menopause and Andropause (J.  A Mumia)
  • Population Density and Infectivity of Anopheles Gambiae Group (Diptera: Culicidae) in a Sugarcane Growing Area of Western Kenya (Andrew A. Obala, Helen L. Kutima, Henry D.N. Nyamogoba, Anne Mwangi, Barasa O. Khwa-Otsyula & John H. Ouma)
  • Role of Religion and Polygamy in Combating HIV/AIDS among Long Distance Drivers: A Case of Islam in Kenya (Yusuf Kibet & Nurwin Fozia)
  • The Dentition Status and Treatment Need among 12-18 Year Olds at Eldoret Children’s Rescue Centre, Kenya (Omutimba D. S., Sang C. K., Mulupi E. Sang & K. Wambugu)
  • The Impact of Foster Care on Orphaned Children in Kibera Slums in Nairobi, Kenya (Mary Aloo Sala)
  • Knowledge and Awareness of Diabetic Retinopathy amongst Diabetic Patients in Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya (Martha Wanjiru Mwangi & Gerald Gikonyo Githinji)
  • To Assess the Presence, the Species Type and Distribution of the Malaria Vector during the Dry Season in Kimilili District, Western Kenya (Dennis Wafula Mukhwana, M. M. Ngeiywa & S. Mulambulah)
  • Community Involvement in Primary Health Care (PHC): Addressing Women’s Health Needs in Kenya (Esther M. Musyoka)
  • Progressive Decline in Physical Fitness Levels in University Students (Karani Magutah, Frederick Bukachi & Robert Ojiambo)
  • Towards Participatory Governance in Kenya: Critical Issues for the Future (Joseph A. Misati & Edward G. Ontita)
  • Augmenting Proletariat Governance: Lenses on Chapter Eleven of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 (Ezekiel Mwenzwa & James Bunei)
  • Ethnicity and University Education: Strategies for Mitigation (Johannes Njagi Njoka)
  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation Diffusion Process in Financial Management of a Public Institution: A Case of Moi University Finance Department (James Omanga, Peter Omboto, Joash Ogola & Ondiek Minyancha)
  • Interdisciplinarity for Sustainable Development: The Role of the Political Class (Eddie Cavines Ombagi)
  • Steadfast Accountable Political Leadership: Why Good Governance Trajectory in Electioneering Processes is the Engine to Sustainable Development in the New Era (Wamasebu B. K., Chepngetich E. S., Matanga F. K. & Omuterema S. O.)
  • Reflections on Political and Governance Systems in Kenya (Stanley Kipsang & P. K. Chepkuto)
  • Interdisciplinarity for Sustainable Development: Political Leadership and Governance (Peter Simatei & Kizito Chessesio)
  • NEPAD from Below: Towards Intra-Country Peer Review Mechanism (IPRM) in Kenya: Political Leadership and Governance (Ezekiel Mbitha Mwenzwa & Julius Keith Kiswili)
  • Students’ Governance, A Benchmark for Reform Agenda in Kenya; A Case of Moi University Technology Students Association (Ongeri Fred Basweti)
  • The Role of Student Leaders in Public Universities in Kenya for Sustainable Development (David M. Mureithi)
  • The Youth and Child Protection Debate in the Mt. Elgon Conflict: Challenges, Dangers and Fears (Wamasebu B. K. Chepngetich E.S.)
  • Ethnicization and Commercialization: The Dark Side of the Liberalization of Higher Education in Kenya (Ndegwa Lucy & Solomon Waliaula)
  • Women in Politics in Kenya: Breaking the Ceiling (Josephine A. Boy & Priscah J. Rotich)
  • Youth and Ethnicity: Its Challenge to Nation Building and Sustainable Development in the World Today (Chepngetich E. S. & Wamasebu B.K.)
  • Communicating Human Rights in the Governance of rhe Rural Kenya (Okumu-Bigambo W., Javas E. Bigambo & Anne Kiprotich)


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