Proceedings of The 7th Annual International Conference: School of Human Resource Development



  • Voice, Citizenship and Civic Action: Current Challenges in Communication for Development [Tufte, T.]
  • Re-Thinking Communication Training toward the Achievement of Millenium Development Goals [Chepkwony, P. & Njoroge, F. K.]
  • The Use of Participatory Communication Model to Achieve Reproductive Health among Rural Women in Kenya [Kutto, V. C.]
  • Communication Theory and Research for Social Change [Orawo, D. A.]
  • ICT for Disaster Management [Mung’ou, C.]
  • Application of ICT in Disaster Management by The Kenya Red Cross Society [Mung’ou, C.]
  • The Role of the Media Technology in the Realization of the MDGs: A Study of Social Media in Driving Change and Development among Young People in Kapenguria County [Chang’orok, J. N. & Chepkuto, P. K.]
  • Socio-Economic Impacts of Development Projects on Local People’s Livelihood: Sondu Miriu Hep Project and Nyakach People [Arogo P. A., Mulongo, L. S. & Ong’anya, D. O.]
  • The Influence of Induction Process on Employee Cultural Diversity in Public and Private Universities in Kenya [Agoro, G., Nassiuma, B. K. & Magero, M.]
  • Workplace Employment Counseling Challenges: Effect on Employee Output at Kenya Pipeline Corporation, Western Kenya Region [Kisinyo, J. A., Bigambo, O. W. & Magero, J. M.]
  • Achieving Organisational Objectives through Human Resource Management Practices [Ogebegbe, R.]
  • Fertility Decline in Kisii District, South Western Kenya: Role of the Proximate Determinants [Onsongo, F. O., Webb, L. N. & Obwocha, E.]
  • Cultural Practices and Career Development among The Pokot Women in Kenya [Metto, Z., Ng’imor, P. T., Njenga, J., Jelagat, E. & Chedotum, K. A.]
  • Assessment of the Relationship between ISO 9001 Certification and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi [Anyango, D. M. O. & Wanjau K.]
  • Challenges in the Decentralization of Recruitment and Selection of Teachers in Kenyan Secondary Schools [Samba, M. S., Mulongo L. S. & Arogo P. A.]
  • Women Enterprise Fund: Is it a Bridge for Women towards Sustainable Development? [Samba, M. S., Arogo, P. A., Mulongo, L. S. & Ong’anya, D. O.]
  • Culture and its Influence on Entrepreneurship in Kenya: A Comparative Study of The Gusii and The Luo [Maengwe, J. O., Tubei, R. & Obwocha, E.]
  • Creating Employment through Transport: The Youth and Motorcycles (Boda Boda) in Kitengela, Kajiado County [Nyachieo, G. M. M.]
  • Effect of Innovation on the Performance of a Small Manufacturing Firm [Ngoze, M. L., Gudda, P. & Mbugua, S.]
  • Small Enterprise Development and Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Rural Women Entrepreneurs, in Funyula Division, Samia District, Kenya [Chebii, P. A., Ogada, G. O. & Achar, O. G.]
  • The Role of Business Incubators in Enterprise Development [Ayuo, A., Rono, A. & Omboto, P. I.]
  • Barriers to Entrepreneurship among Youths: The Kenyan Context [Chebichii,  E., Macharia, J., Murimi, P. M. & Matui, B.]
  • Small Livestock Production as an Economic Activity: The Case of Eldoret East District, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya [Situma, M. K., Omboto, P. I. & Yegon, E. J.]
  • Technology Attributes as a Constraint in the Diffusion of Innovations: The Case of Grafted Passion Fruit Seed Technology in Kamariny Division, Keiyo North District [Kipchumba, W. K., Ondiek, M. & Tubey, R.]
  • The Concept of Decentralization: Kenya’s Experience and Lessons from Mozambique [Juma, C. W., Omboto, P. I. & Mulongo, L. S.]
  • The Dilemma in the Utilization of Youth Devolved Funds for Development in Kenya [Juma, C. W., Omboto, P. I. & Mulongo, L. S.]
  • Assessment of Factors Influencing Management of CDF Projects in Kenya [Ochieng, F. O.]
  • Road Safety in Kenya: A Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Drivers of Passenger Service Vehicles [Moraa, G., Omboto, P. I. & Obwocha, E. O.]
  • Community Participation in Project Planning, Management and Implementation: Building the Foundation for Sustainable Development [Barasa, F. & Tubey, J.]


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