Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Definition, Nature and Concepts

Terrorism and Counterterrorism



This book examines, in detail, the background of what terrorism entails and employs, in clarification of the nature, features, and the ambiguity in the definition of terrorism. Terrorism did not start on September 11 2001, but that dreadful event did transform the world. Terrorism is not a novel happening as since the end of World War II, there has been prevalent apprehension over killings and attacks on civilians and their property. The level of the attacks in the United States of America meant that no one could stand on their own anymore. The struggle had become international because the effect of terrorism was being experienced everywhere in the world. The human values we share and work to maintain are ridiculed by extremists. The publicity of peace, egalitarianism, patience, and self-esteem for all are worldwide values that surpass our domestic differentiations. We need to come together to safeguard our communal humankind. This book is resourceful to undergraduate and postgraduate scholars, policy makers, security personnel, lecturers, educators and social workers.

Professor Ndikaru wa Teresia is a well-known activist on environment and human rights issues in Kenya. He has made remarkable contribution to the rights of the oppressed people in Thika, Kenya. In September 14 1992, he led a mass demonstration of hundreds of people against KEL Factory which produced chemicals which were affecting people in Thika. He is a professor of criminology in the Department of Criminology and Legal Studies, and the Catholic Chaplain at The Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi. Professor Ndikaru was born in Kamirithu Village, Limuru, Kiambu, Kenya. He was educated at Kamandura Lower Primary School, Limuru-Kenya, Kigumba Intermediary Primary School, and Kihura Catholic Upper Primary School in Kigumba, Masindi-Uganda. He attended Queen of Apostles Seminary, Nairobi, for “O” and “A” levels. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Pontifical University of Urbaniana, Rome-Italy; Master’s degree in Disaster Management from University of Nairobi, and PhD in Criminology from Kenyatta University.

He is the Founder and Administrator of St Matia Mulumba Mission Hospital in Thika and Administrator of KENGO/St Mulumba Environment Quality Assessment, which assessed environment pollution in Thika. Professor Ndikaru is a prolific writer with several books to his name. He has authored Introduction to Disaster Management, Research Methodology [Volumes I and II], Crime Differentials in Nairobi Metropolitan Slum Areas, Introduction to Penology, Cry of the Oppressed, Introduction to Victimology, Pollution and Urban Life in Kenya, The Slums Juvenile Delinquency in Kenya and Introduction to Criminology. He also co-authored, with Waithaka WaIhenya, the book ‘A Voice Unstilled; Archbishop Ndingi Mwana a’Nzeki.’ Professor Ndikaru was for many years the editor of “Mwananchi Magazine”, owned and published by Kenya Episcopal Conference, “The Voice Newsletter”, published by the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi, “Thika Ecumenical Newsletter”, which was owned and published by Anglican Church of Kenya, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa and Catholic Church in Thika. He is widely published in reputable international peer reviewed journals.


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