Voice Training the Visually Impaired: Lessons from Kenyatta University, Kenya provides pragmatic hints on voice training and techniques to music educators. The book is an invaluable reference for beginning music teachers in both special and university education and is a direct product of long-standing experience by the author at Kenyatta University, Kenya. In this work, the author highlights voice training ideas and modern training techniques employed by lecturers in voice training of the visually impaired in a dynamic world. Further, by discussing key issues related to voice training, Dorothy prompts music teachers to be analytical and critical of voice training techniques. To this end, the various chapters of the book are designed to highlight major questions and to consider the evidence from research and practice in order to find possible answers. The author believes that this book will be of interest to music lecturers, lecturers in other performance oriented subject areas, education planners and administrators as well as policy makers in their effort to ensure that visually impaired students benefit from education as much as their sighted counterparts.
Dorothy Atieno Okeyo holds a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree and a Master of Music from Kenyatta University, Kenya. She is currently a Music Lecturer at Mosoriot Teachers’ Training College. The experience of teaching both the sighted and visually impaired students has greatly influenced the ways in which she perceives music teaching and learning. She has excelled in choir training. She has experience as a national music examiner at Primary Teacher Education (PTE), choir trainer and has taught music in secondary school, teacher training colleges and universities. She likes reading religious and other informative literacy articles as well as listening to Christian music. She is currently in her final stages of PhD in music education studies at Kabarak University.
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