Is Inclusion Working for Physically Disabled Students? A Glance into Secondary Schools in Bondo Sub-County of Siaya County, Kenya




Disability is not inability! This has become a common phrase through which society uses to encourage persons with disabilities with different types of impairments on their potential for excellence. This has evidently been depicted in several occasions where some students have shown remarkable achievement in both primary and secondary certificate examinations. Secondary school education is extremely important and key for personal growth and career development of those with various forms of impairment. This book explores the importance of inclusive education for physically disabled students. While the author is keen on acknowledging the need to create inclusive classrooms, he points out major challenges hindering inclusivity and these ranges from; negative attitudes by fellow students and teachers, poor infrastructure, lack of resources and facilities to poor socio-economic backgrounds. Dr Masakhwe, therefore, seeks to address each student’s learning needs through reduction of these barriers and eliminating discrimination of Physically Disabled students that often obstruct them from full participation within the secondary school environment. The book is quite resourceful for all educationists and more so to curriculum developers and implementors.

Dr. Phitalis Were Masakhwe is a Kenyan with a physical disability. He is a renowned Social Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and Disability Rights Specialist. For 22 years, he worked in the Development and Humanitarian sector including United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Afghanistan where he served as International Advisor. Currently, he is the Chief Officer in charge of Service Delivery, County Government of Kakamega, Kenya. Dr Masakhwe teaches Social Work and Disaster Management on part-time basis at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST). He has served in senior positions at AMREF Health Africa, ACTIONAID International, Leonard Cheshire Disability International and PLAN International. He has an earned PhD in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance from MMUST, an MA in Social Development and Management from Maseno University and a BA in Sociology and Philosophy from the University of Nairobi. He also has a post Graduate Certificate in Governance and Democracy from Marquette University, USA. Phitalis has written and published a lot in newspapers, peer reviewed journals and books.


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