Organizational Development: Theory and Practice for Change Management



The target for the book is students of OD, Organizations and anyone who is interested in understanding organizations, understanding growth and transformation in their organization. This book focuses on the whole process of organization development which any practitioner should follow. In other words, it is the practical aspects of organization process. It is a report on a research undertaken on an organization on a step-by-step coming up with suggestions on alternatives of what needs to be done to grow or develop an organization. The book will enable the reader to appreciate Organization Development (OD) as a discipline and to develop capabilities for individuals to practice the principles and concepts thereof. It sheds light on OD as a discipline and how it relates with change in an organization. The concept of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies is made clear; and other keys concepts like Organization Structure, People, Process, Technology are highlighted and in particular the role they play in organizational development. When properly handled, these elements bring about growth, expansion, profitability, efficiency and effectiveness.

Dr. Miriam Gichung’wa is an expert of Organization Development. She has been a senior lecturer at Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA), a Director of Quality Assurance (DQA) and a research expert. She lectures at Moi University in units related to SMES and Entrepreneurship. Besides having a PhD in Organization Development (CEBU), she holds a Doctorate in Organization Development and Transformation, Master of Business Administration (UoN), Master of Arts in Co-operative Development and Management (UoL-UK), PGDCM, CPA among others.


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